Measurement and monitoring of 21 silos
The Challenge
A customer in Portugal had a project where the levels of 21 storage silos with raw material for plastic products has to be monitored by the suppliers. The silos needs also an protection against overfilling.
Our Solution
The complete project is done with the electromechanic sensors NivoBob NB 4200 and Rotonivo RN 3002. The NivoBob NB 4200 with modbus RTU interface measures continuously the level of the synthetics independent of density and DK value. The silo alarm full detectors Rotonivo RN 3002 with rope extension protects against overfilling. The extension can be set quite flexible to the right length and switching point. Both sensors are allrounder in the synthetic industry and can be used in all granulars and powders. They are cost effective and easy to setup. The monitoring and control is done with the visualisation NivoTec NT 3500. The hardware is a Wago webcontroller with Modbus RTU interface, which communicates with the sensors and gives all datas which are needed to monitor the levels and the demand. Remote access via internet and level informations per e-mail can be done very comfortable.