Rotonivo 3004 in high temperature clinker application
The Challenge
Our customer, the cement company in Algeria required a reliable, maintenance free level limit switches for their clinker applications. The special challenge was the falling clinker material as in combination with the very high temperatures in this application. They were trying several technologies before approaching UWT for a solution. UWT designed a special design for these clinker applications in the cement industry.
Our Solution
The ideal solution from UWT for this application is the high temperature version of our level limit switch Rotonivo 3004 with several specifics too meet the challenge in this application: - Stainless steel sliding bearing with conical shaped contact - Reinforced stainless steel shaft with increased diameter - Shorter shaft at the end of the stainless steel protection cap - decreased the torque at this point - Reinforced fixing bolts and paddle made from 1.4404 steel - Stronger spring to increase the switching torque of the RN3 - Sealing at the end of the temperature isolation (housing side)