Electromechanical system NB 4200 in sawdust
The Challenge
Our customer was looking for a reliable and cost-effective level measurement in different silos in which sawdust is stored. The challenge was to guarantee a reliable measurement and to enable easy commissioning. Above all, the sensor had to work reliably independently of the dusty environment. In Sweden it is common for outside temperatures to fall well below 0°C in winter. Therefore, the system had to be insensitive to low temperatures.
Our Solution
The electromechanical measuring system NivoBob NB 4200 is optimally designed for use in wood flour. It works with a stainless steel tape, which is cleaned from the adhering dust during the measurement by a tape cleaner. Thus, the housing remains dust-free. In addition, the tape is almost maintenance-free with an exchange cycle after 500,000 measurements. The measuring range of 30 m is sufficient for most silos. It provides a reliable measurement result and works independently of the very dusty conditions in the silo. The integrated thermostat-controlled heating ensures a reliable function even at temperatures well below the minus range.