Contents measurement in sawdust

The Challenge

A wood processing company from the Russian Federation manufactures various kinds of pressed wood boards. There was the requirement to realize the content measurement in a storage silo after drying and crushing. Sawdust is stored, which is very dry and dusty. Conditions that can not be easily measured by all measuring principles. The temperatures in winter are often far below minus and require both mechanics and electronics.

Our Solution

The electromechanical measuring system NivoBob NB 4100 with integrated heating is the best solution to be used in the northern regions of Russia. It provides a reliable measurement result and, thanks to a multilingual menu and standard signal output 4-20mA, can be parameterized and commissioned very simply and quickly as well as integrated into the existing process control. The NB 4100 can be used with housing heating up to a temperature of – 40°C. In addition, the measurement remains unaffected by dust and a low DK value. All in all the best solution for this measurement task.